January 26, 2018
The link between interior design and our emotions is not a new concept, think the Chinese concept of Feng Shui, or the Indian Vastu Shastra, not to mention the latest to hit the States, the Scandinavian philosophy of Hygge. For thousands of years people have noticed that their surroundings have a profound effect on the way they feel and their well-being. It is our natural instinct to nest and create a safe comfortable home for ourselves and our families. But what happens when disaster strikes? When that security and comfort are taken away, what then?
Unfortunately the unforeseen happens, hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, mudslides. The past few months have been very unsettling to say the least. If you are one of the lucky ones you have walked away with your life, and for this we need to be grateful. It’s a good chance that you may have been displaced, many have been staying with family, living out of hotels with not much certainty as to when, or if, you will be able to return to your home. Emotions are high and low, you just want to go home!
When going home isn’t an option, these are my top five quick and easy tips to make your temporary housing feel more like home.

Unpack and Declutter
Maybe you got out with a few possessions, or you have received gifts and donations from friends and family wanting to help anyway they can. Even if it’s temporary, unpack and declutter your space. Knowing where things are will help give you a sense of control and organization in the midst of uncertainty.
Move the Furniture
Make the space your own, move the furniture if it’s not working for you. Being able to easily move around and find a flow through a space has been proven to subconsciously boost your mood. Here is where the Feng Shui comes in handy.

Good Bedding
Do not forget to take care of yourself! Your body is under an immense load of stress, and you need to make sure you are getting a good nights sleep. If there is one thing you treat your self to, make sure you have good bedding. It can be as simple as the right pillow.

Let the Light In
Natural light is an incredible mood booster. Open the drapes during the day, and at night avoid fluorescent lighting.

Little Things
Don’t forget the little things that help your house feel like a home. Your favorite candle, an essential oil diffuser with your favorite scent, a plant or cut flowers. The sight of nature helps to reduce stress. Scents have been proven to effect our moods as well. Lavender is emotionally calming and helps with mental focus, citrus scents are proven to be uplifting and cleansing.
Weather you have been displaced from your home or not, these small actions to improve your space will also improve your mood and well-being. Disaster has effected us all in the 805 the past two months. By no means do these things replace our homes or loved ones lost, but my hope is by sharing them maybe one thing clicks and helps one person feel a little better.